2022. március 31., csütörtök

Cover design for my book / Könyvem borítóterve


ANOTHER WORLD - Tales for the night, by our fading fire ...

Sit down between us once, stranger.
While you listen to the crackle of the fire, drink the wine of Tokaj, we tell our own tale.
True stories about ourselves, lumberjacks, foresters, poor people.
What is missing from our tale is told by the music of the crisp fire, the wild forests ness of the Mountains and the power of Tokaj wine.
Our cruel everyday life creates nice tales like our lives.
The fire is bouncing, the orange-red flames are high.
They illuminate our rain-wind-tanned face, our sparkling eyes.
We have good wine in our glasses. We hum ourselves old songs. So drink wine and listen to the tale...


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